MISSION: Increase the popularity of soccer by building a program that will provide a rewarding and growthful experience for all players.
Code of Conduct
Play the game for the games sake.
Be generous when you win.
Be graceful when you loose.
Be fair always no matter what the cost.
Obey the laws of the game.
Work for the good of the team.
Accept the decisions of the officials with good grace.
Believe in the honesty of your opponents.
Conduct yourself with honor and dignity.
U.S. Soccer & FIFA Fair Play
CONTACT INFORMATION; These are the e-mail addresses for members of the Jackson Area Wide Soccer Board of Directors.
Pope Mulherin, President of JAWS pope-deb@charter.net
John Powell, President Elect john.powell@ferguson.com
Susan Blackmon, Registrar sblackmon@cityofjackson.net
Michelle Steen, Secretary/Treasurer msteen@usjbruins.org
Bob Alvey, Director alveyrf@eplus.net
Alex McCommon, Director of Referees abmccommon@eplus.net
Bobby Vaughn, Facilities ladyflyers@aeneas.net
Jeff Collins, General Director jeffmedon@aol.com
Skip Jones, Assignor
James Scott scott632@charter.net